Thursday, December 3, 2009

Raven Riley Fleshlight

A new award unexpected

After a long absence due to my busy schedule, today I found a nice surprise, a new premium assigned to me by the very respectable and Vera Mina (Mina's shop and Vera).
A little rule is placed to receive the award, describing five desires.
to think of it many of my desires are like anyone else and how many of you have a thousand wishes, and not just five, so it was very difficult to discern only 5, but anyway here's my list (I state that are not placed in order of importance )
  • I would like every child, every old person, every man and woman each night to go fed in bed and drank.
  • I would like my family, my boyfriend and anyone else have a good life with few worries and with many smiles.
  • I would like my biggest dream come true.
  • I would like the path of my life was not full of curves and chasms, but an upright road with some rocks to jump (this is not necessary to have a boring life and especially to learn)
  • I want that man to take awareness of all the mistakes that led to despair, poverty in some populations and in nature itself. Perhaps becoming aware of his mistakes could be remedied.
People who should I pass the award should be 14.
Diamantya Creations
With hands and heart
I Giardini di Marzo
Elfetta creative
what I can do ... and not
small corner cauntry
I pies Olga
Gems Gemma
the shop fairy
creations Fatafiona
The Ila handmade
The country of the imagination
Not only felt

successful evening to you all.


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