Sunday, November 29, 2009

Att Uverse Dvr Recordings Erased

Trail tanks and the top of Sasso Malascarpa

November 28, 2009

Infiliamoci between two disturbances (one yesterday and one that should change tomorrow), infiliamoci in a gorge, and climb into a mega infiliamoci, why not, even in infiliamoci a long, long series of jokes. Mix 14 "old" zaioinspallisti, we add a pinch of new, low heat of the sun to cook the top, stir in two old fox hunters of old irons and serve ... et voila served here the path of the tanks and the Stone of Malascarpa (not Mascarpone).
which begins this tale I have already become obvious on the first morning, when the stories of sleepless people were immediately mixed with those of dinners and delicacies. We all know that the evolution of heterogeneous groups follows a precise path: we start talking about the common strainers (in this case, the mountain), it goes to food and almost always comes to sex. If we have enough time available as in the trek of several days, popping up small problems of our microcosm dominated by the precise question "Were you able to go to the toilet?". We
today we stopped in the second phase (food).

After "Breakfast at Tiffany's", screened in eponymous bar-pastry Valmadrera, complete group we enter the path offers a slip to ride along the banks of the river, but especially the first visit to the waterfall.
Crossing areas furnished by sub-tropical jungle, back near the narrow road, which in our disdain from being snobby-hikers and the snobbish (no puns, please ... you smell! ) rinfiliamo us again deep in the valley of Hell. We pass a series of tanks filled with well water (especially considering the season) and go up the ravine using his hands more often. Fortunately, the path (we can really call it that?) Offers several notches carved into the rock, which help in the progression damn. And after the notches are some chains and other chains after tanks and so on ... however, these tanks are far more lovely than those on Saturday in Piazza Duomo (Cathedral Square this is everywhere).
overcome with a little girl and friend zainoinspallista cabbage has just 11 years (the child, not the friend) and fully armed she is doing the path of tanks: honor and also the parent of the child, who has just open a shop selling of patience, the material of which must be particularly fitted.
The forest becomes more sparse and after further passing-of-mass, we come to anticipate that Pratoni St. Thomas, which we avoid for now.

The trail is now wide and sloping from schoolgirl, but I know that this bonanza will not last long. A rude awakening it will first encounter with the pole of the park, but the real hit will come with the placing on the "difficult path" that has as its goal the Malascarpa Sasso. It does not take much to bring down the silence that will last a long time, at least until the meeting with the blades of rocky pinnacles of St. Thomas: "Ooooooh" and then you take a piston. The path is steep and strewn with stones. Some people are going down and unfortunately their pace a bit 'too steep drops and misguided causes various stones, which fortunately do not cause harm to those who are below, as we do.
The signs of the trail goes bounding and sometimes I have to go and check the route going on ahead and follow the trail by the few who is quick to see them more than myself. The group inevitably becomes longer, but finally we reach the sun and the sun means the top and top it means pause.

tersissima The day is also due to wind is not very nice when you stop. We are looking for shelter and give breath to the jaw, also thanks to sweets home-made-made and Esselunga brought up here. After some two photos look shady, loschissimi appears that they are approaching: 200Kg friendship outweighed by 3.60 meters. I try not to cross their eyes, but it is useless to me they are hunted, have their breath on my neck and then I shake his hand vigorously. Draw my widest smile of circumstance and the greeting: "Hello guys, how to throw?". Not even I anticipated their thoughts, so here I am involved in a lesson on the field using GPS 60CSx just bought ... and to think that after the night lasted only three hours, I was hoping for a good sleep here in the sun ... Some people let this opportunity if not escape: Lucky you!

Time goes quickly and before we dive into the long descent, we climb in search of landscapes and hunting will be a very fruitful: we bring home the Rose, the Grigne, the Sun, the handsome profile of S. First, the unmistakable Grigne but above all the piiiiccolo Dhoop the Matterhorn, hence well placed to the right of the Monte Rosa massif. A
eyes, back to backpacks, we salute the two Janissaries and take the path of the ridge. Beautiful trail, a little 'less interesting is the walkway furrowed fields, I remembered to be more visible, but who knows where I picked up this memory ...
From the ridge enters the beech forest and we paused beneath a monumental beech: a real beast of nature, which in summer will bring several tons of leaves on her hair. Souvenir photo and resume to decline. The ground is slippery, but less than I expected, I leave it to leave the band to move at his pace. The pact is always one is always the same: if the junction is expected. Sometimes the agreements are not respected and when I get to St. Thomas with what I thought was the rear guard, I realize that there is at the forefront ... "What has gone to the dogs? Or went nonsense?" doubts overlap in the brain and solve them with a phone call. Few minutes from St. Thomas and when we reach no one will actually tell us how it went. We suggest meeting with the Leocorno, others called sudden crisis of vocation with mystical apparitions of madonnas and San retaliation (which is obviously synonymous with the last ...), but are appealing to the third amendment of the internal law of animal protection. Oh well, caliamo a veil, hairy, painful and going down the easy trail and from here we return to Valmadrera, with 15 minutes of asphalt has once again to cars.

Toast, pizza, beer and coche and early wishes for the holidays: we too are decorated as the mega-center dell'Auchan close to Christmas.

Good Sunday to you all: tomorrow I'm in Milan ... forecasts are very bad and I canceled the climb to Manavella. At the end of this story I'm wondering, "What cabbage do in Milan on Sunday?? "

PS. Greetings to the heart of two shady characters met on the summit, which is always a pleasure to make fun ;-)

is one of the tanks

Some women Ragno (for man looks at the last photo)

The spire of St. Thomas

Sasso Malascarpa

Under the centennial beech

how to make a proper Poket Coffee

"But animals have you seen?" is the classic question
"These, in your opinion, what are they??" is my answer today ...


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