Thursday, October 29, 2009

Digital Playground Promos

Pasta Corn Pasta Salt

Now to explain the pulp of organic origin, notably the salt dough.
With the salt dough can produce delicious creations cheap, in fact the main ingredients we can find them at home.
I started messing with the molten salt at the age of 6 years if not before, I loved the clay but I loved much more the process of mix between the various ingredients. Of course, my creations were a little girl, but I was proud to have created from the beginning what I had in mind. A creation
salt dough is baked in the oven at 50 ° -60 ° , the time varies depending on the size of the object. But I can also assure you that if an object is small you can let fresh air in order to allow the water to evaporate, but this is an experiment I did when he was tiny and it was August when I forgot my creation in a corner of my terrace forgot to cook it.
The salt dough suffer much moisture so it is advisable, after protecting his creation with the appropriate paint, store them in dry places.
Below you will find the ingredients :

  • a cup of salt
  • a cup of flour
  • water enough
  • 1 tablespoon white glue
  • varnish
Procedure: Mix together flour and salt
previously finely ground with an old blender, slowly add water until the dough is soft and malleable. Finally add the white glue to make your creation more then solid.
Knead the dough for a few minutes to mix the ingredients. Once you create the dough for the creation can be achieved in two ways:
include acrylics or tempera inside the dough is still raw and then proceed to the realization of its object
create their own creation and then, after baking, to staining.
prefer the first method, however, the color becomes dark after cooking.
After its creation is completed, proceed with a coat of protective paint and show your creation in a dry place.
This is the recipe I always used, if you bring your own, insert it down into the "Comments" section.

Monday, October 26, 2009

How To Remove The Guines

The Prosculpt

is a type of polymer clay is very different from cernit or fimo, This gives the possibility to be cooked at different times and then helps a lot the creation of more complex sculptures.
Recently I tried this kind of pasta and I must say that I found myself very well. It has an almost velvety texture and soft, a bit 'more substantial than the other two polymer clay but this allows you to touch the sculpture without it shrivels up instantly. The prosculpt seems almost like a magic pasta, in fact disappear after a few smoothing seams.
The only fault I found with the prosculpt is his habit of attracting all the dark macerate that are scattered around the house, so you should always keep your hands clean and wear during the implementation, dressed very clear. The prosculpt has a very limited range of colors than the cernit or fimo, in fact we find:
  • light : used to create the fairies because of its pale pink
  • baby: a color very similar to the skin of children
  • caucasin : the darker pink
  • ethnic Brown: Dark brown
this type of pasta is used especially to create human sculptures because it has colors that are very close to human skin.
prosculpt The cooks at a temperature of 100 ° in a simple oven cooking and after cooking the material is hard and tough.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Samples Vote Of Thanks

The Cernit

The cernit is a polymer clay, polymer clay from English, is very similar to polymer clay but differs for malleability. I personally I have found good with cernit, whenever I tried to create a little head is all shook just slightly crumpled.
cernit The cooks at a temperature of 100-130 °, more than in polymer clay can also be boiled, but proceeding with this type of cooking the object can be very fragile, depending on if you have thick or thin parts. Also for the cernit there is a range of polychrome colors and various effects (pearlescent, glitter, etc.).
When carrying out a cooking object in cernit, you must pay close attention, as the dough burning emits very toxic fumes, and then render useless the oven we use to prepare food. For this you should use an oven just to cook your critters.

The cernit is an avid devourer of plastic objects, never encompasses or cernit model with plastic accessories, might end up with a creature similar to my

I am very proud of this creature, because Dario Argento has already hired for her new film ....

Thursday, October 22, 2009

White Lump Above Tooth On Gums


The polymer clay has a common usage among the various models of polymer clay. It is a thermosetting paste in contact with the heat of the oven takes a very compact texture and consequently the object can not be undone. The polymer clay baked in the oven at a temperature of 100-130 °, it is advisable first test your oven to avoid burning his own creation. The polymer clay on the market can be found in many colors and effects: Fluorescent

Metallic Pearly Transparent

addition, the polymer clay is divided into two categories
  • Fimo classic: with a denser texture and suitable for those with their hands hot
  • Fimo soft: a paste from the previous softer and therefore easy to work in the winter months.
This type of paste can be painted with acrylics, tempera, watercolors, then you can pass a coat of varnish to protect their decoration. Not all protective coatings are suitable for polymer clay, it makes the object created some sticky or alter the color.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What Does Chunky Cervical Mucus Mean?

The polymer clay Fimo

To give birth to creativity, there are ways, one of these is the use of polymer clay. There are different types of pasta, for convenience I shall divide them into two groups:
  • organic pasta, can create at home.
will try to present clearly, so you have at your and diverse information.
A second category have different costs and different ductility. Create with pasta is a unique experience, contact with the softness of the mass and the ability to create and invent whatever our mind can ponder send me a great sense of relaxation and peace.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Denise Milani Look Like

When it all began ...

Creativity One day she knocked on my door and told me how the man was his friend since the dawn of time. She herself had helped the man to be on a cold rock animals they ran out of breath on a non-existent expanse, making become the hot surface rock creative. I was incredulous and fascinated to hear how a little girl for the first time listening to an imaginative story. Creativity to thank the lady that I had paid attention, he grabbed the hem of his garment color and put it in my hands and said: "Keep this part, we will donate imagination and creativity, it can give life to your thoughts" . Even today I keep that edge imagery kept in a deep drawer of my mind sometimes, as animated by its own life, comes out and whispers to my fantasy characters and fantastic scenes and yet my inexperienced hands give life to those ideas from Creativity whispered.

(Story by Air Creative)